Hello Archers!
There are so many events happening at Central Texas Archery and
around the state, there is something fun for everyone! Read on to find
out more.
Upcoming Events at Central Texas Archery

Texas Twister Team Tournament
Registration is Open!
Tournament Date: May 4-5
It’s time to register! We anticipate that this tournament will fill to capacity this year.
Registration Info:
- Entry Deadline: April 26, 2019
- Entry Fee: $25 per archer
- Qualification Rounds Saturday: 2 rounds of 36 arrows each
- Team round brackets will be created from qualification scores.
- Distance: 50 meters archers with experience shooting at this distance and bow weight over 20 pounds, 20 meters for beginner and young archers with bow weight under 20 pounds
- USA Archery Tournament rules
- Sunday round will be Double Elimination Team Round Robin Style Round
- Participants may pre-order concessions and tournament shirts on registration form
Shoot and a Show – April 12th
Free Event for Members Only

Open Shoot 5:30-7:30 PM
Family Movie (TBD, PG Rating) 8:30 -10
Hotdogs, Popcorn, Soda (Donations accepted, not required)
More information sent to members in a separate email.
Need ANOTHER reason to become a member of Central Texas Archery? This is it!
We offer fun events for our members all throughout the year.
Come be a part of our family, meet other members, and having fun shooting with new friends!
TOTS (Texas Outdoor Target Series) Tournaments

Central Texas Archery will be hosting a tournament June 9th and September 14th.
Registration coming soon.
The first tournament in the series is April 13 at
T.H.E. JOAD Club – Crossroads Boulevard, Columbus, Texas 78934
What is TOTS?
This tournament series challenges archers at multiple distances.
There are various archery ranges around the state that are hosting TOTS this year.
USA Archery Membership required to participate.
Entry fee: $25 per tournament
Day Tournaments. Archers can compete in multiple tournaments over the
course of the season and will be ranked in their division. There is a
championship tournament in the fall.
There are two distances for each archer:
Two sets of 36 arrows (72 total) at the first and longest distance, and then another 36 arrows at a closer distance.
The TOTS events will now be USA Archery Sanctioned events — this means your scores will be eligible to set NATIONAL RECORDS!
Want to know more? Email kat@centraltexasarchery.org or ask one of the coaches at the range for more information.
Texas International Archery Festival
April 26-28
Texas Archery is proud to sponsor this festival as part of our mission
to support archery in the community and to introduce new people to our
wonderful community. As a Patron of the Arts sponsor for this event, we
are excited to be bringing The Blaggards to play Friday and Sunday
evening at the festival! Find ticket information here.

Safety Reminder!
Sky drawing is NOT allowed. Aiming your bow high above your target to see how far your arrows can travel will result in immediate expulsion
from the range. Membership can be revoked as well. This is a very
serious safety issue that can cause harm to people at the range as well
as people on our neighboring properties. Archery is only fun for
everyone when it is SAFE for everyone. If you see someone sky draw,
please tell a coach immediately.
Spring Calendar
Monday – By Appointment
Tuesday – 2-8 PM
Wednesday – By Appointment
Thursday – 11:00 AM – 8 PM
Friday – By Appointment
Saturday 8 AM – 8 PM
Sunday – 8 AM – 8 PM
Special Hours Friday April 19th – School Holiday
CLOSED April 21st – Easter Sunday
CLOSED April 27th (Come see us at the Texas International Archery Festival)